
Your Wedding in a Masseria
in the heart of Puglia

Location & Details

Suggestive atmospheres, locations rich in charm and history, unique landscapes in a rich and unspoiled nature: Masseria Torre di Nebbia will make your wedding event unforgettable.

For wedding events we have a large air-conditioned veranda with transparent crystal openings that allow you to enjoy the large outdoor spaces and admire the splendid Murgian sceneries dominated on the horizon by the solitary shape of the Castel del Monte.

The highest attention to detail and the warm hospitality of a qualified and experienced personnel will seal the magic of a special day accompanying you with professionalism in every moment.

The Rite in Masseria

The colors of our beautiful land, the sounds and the scents of nature will be the setting for the celebration of your most beautiful day.

Masseria Torre di Nebbia is authorized to perform the civil rite that can be held either inside the large living room or outside in an elegant and comfortable structure set up and placed on the highest point, thus giving a unique and suggestive view over the vast expanses of wheat surrounding the farm and on which stands the Castel del Monte.

Masseria Torre di Nebbia: space to the emotions!


Our sophisticated culinary proposal presented in elegant sceneries will impress your guests with refined flavours and gastronomic combinations in a harmonius mix of scents, colors and flavors.

Made with extreme care and passion, our menus start from a selection of products from our land, in some cases even from our own production, and represent a journey through the most authentic flavors of Apulian region.

Visit the structure,
ask for an appointment

Dati personali

Info Ricevimento

Richiesta Appuntamento

Indicare le preferenze di giorno e di orario. Sarete ricontattati dal nostro Direttore di Sala per concordare i dettagli dell'appuntamento.

Informativa al trattamento dei dati personali

Compilando il presente modulo Azienda Agrituristica MASSERIA TORRE DI NEBBIA raccoglierà i suoi dati al solo fine di soddisfare la sua richiesta.
Il trasferimento dei suoi dati a terzi potrà essere necessario al fine della mera esecuzione della richiesta.
I dati non verranno trasferiti a terzi per altri scopi commerciali.


explore masseria torre di nebbia